Note: This essay refers to the Letter Arrays in Aryeh Kaplan's translation of the Sefer Yetsirah (pgs. 310-315)
Paul wrote: I don't really understand the arrays. What happens when you do the
meditation? What does it mean to create a partzuf?
Well, first let me preface this by saying that this is just my take on things, of course. In looking at the arrays, I would use them just like Abulafian arrays, meditating on each letter combination by tying them to something like a vowel which would correspond to a physical movement (like the character at the end of each line - SY pgs. 310-315). However, that's just the practice. My understanding of the process comes from Assembly Language.
It was eerie to me when I first saw these meditations with two letters, because that's generally how you represent a character in modern computer systems. Each character is identified by a two digit hex code. Hex is base 16, so they use A-F to represent 10-15. For example, the capital letter H is 48h (72 in decimal), dash (-) is 2Dh (45 in decimal), and so forth. Why hex? Probably 'cause it converts into bytes (8 binary bits) really easily.
That having been said, in Assembly Language, you move these two digit hex codes into various registers, and that makes things happen (to simplify).
Same thing here. By meditating on the line of two digit combinations, you're putting a series of values, which in this case represent the traversal between two states, defined by the letters, into a memory register, denoted by the separate character at the end of the line (first line of Alef it's a Yud, etc...).
But why do all of them in that order. What's the point?
States are temporary. I can enter a very high state, and yet not be able to reproduce it. How do we solidify these experiences into a platform that will allow us to reproduce them? Luckily the neshama is nothing if not elegant. Using the same principle that allows us to store cathartic or gnostic knowledge in symbolic frameworks, we can actually move along a different axis. We could call these progressive initiations: stages. So by stringing states into a sequence and compressing them into symbolic frameworks, we move through these stages rapidly.
So when we activate these sequences in line, we're actually taking ourselves through a sequence of initiations that might take much longer to go through if we went through them the long way. In fact, I'm pretty sure that all of those states and lessons could last more than a lifetime.
Now that's just repairing the Sefirot.
The Partzufim are a different matter. First let's look at the excellent quote that Logan found:
"Partzuf ("personae" or "profile"; pl. partzufim):
A partzuf is the third and final stage in the development of a sefirah, in which it metamorphoses from a tenfold articulation of sub-sefirot into a human-like figure possessing the full set of intellectual and emotional powers. As such, it may thus interact with the other partzufim (which could not occur before this transformation). This stage of development constitutes the transition from Tohu to Tikun or from Nekudim to Berudim, (also see: Olam Ha'Atzilut, "The World of Emanation")."
Also, there are several models that indicate more than 5 Partzufim.
Some divide the typical four (Abba, Imma, Zeir Anpin, Nukva) up into two (Abba -> Abba Ila'ah & Yisrael Sabba, etc...), while others add in the Partzufim of Keter, like Atik Yomin, Arikh Anpin, and Atika Kadisha, and still others state that Keter of Atzilut and it's Partzufim are only the Malkut of Adam Kadmon. How many are we up to now? ;)
So basically once we've repaired the individual sefirot, they can evolve into their higher form, which is that of a Partzuf - however you want to sort them.
But wait a minute, in the text we meditate on them from Keter to Malkut. Why is that? I think maybe it's because we're setting up the non-volatile elements before we work with the spheres that people are more likely to be having problems in. Most people will actually be having issues with the lessons of Malkut as opposed to Binah. So by the time the process is working on the sefirot you're using, it's mostly over, and less likely to "crash" your reality.
And what about the Partzuf/Face and the Back of the Sefirot? This is a matter of relation. If we take two sefirot, there are two primary states they can be in: face to face or back to back. Face to face is the one we want, so we repair the faces (partzuf of Keter, etc...) first. Back to back means that the emanation process isn't firing in order. For example, if Chokmah receives from Keter, but Binah doesn't become female for Chokmah, because it's still in a male state towards Chesed, then that delays the flow of mazal or shefa. That emanation could be a manifestation or a blessing from above, but it won't be received because the emanatory channel is malfunctioning. Repairing the faces makes sure that the sending mechanism works, so then you go through and make sure all the backs are properly working, so that they will receive properly also.
Once the chain is repaired, the Sefirot awaken and become Partzufim. I would guess that they activate in a sequence, hence my comment on metamorphoses. The stages are probably assessed differently by different people, which accounts for different numbers of Partzufim. However, once all of these Partzufim activate, they work together as the parts of the body of a sentient Golem. And everything after that is pretty much dependent on your Will, so it's probably pointless to spin conjecture about it until you're there.
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