Wednesday, November 02, 2005

So lately I've been going through a lot of transitions. I just changed jobs, to a job that lets me work from home for a bit more money. This also gives me time to do things I had previously been unable to do, like spend more time with the family, devote more time to study, etc. One of the things I've decided to do is the Amidah once a day combined with some meditation. So I clear my mind of the problems of the day, relax my body, and then once I've done that for about 5 minutes, I do the Amidah from here.

It has had a very positive effect upon my mindset; I troubleshoot my customers' problems with more confidence when I am calm. It also reminds me to act with kindness towards everyone, so that I can reduce the amount of misery in the world. It is my way of declaring my dedication to Tikkun HaOlam every day.

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