(My Original Blog Post: http://ping.fm/cJCRc)
This is important stuff. The architectural signaling that goes on in these scenarios may not be dreamt up from nowhere. I believe that the inspiration for these spaces actually exist in other planes. These realms of chaos are no less real than our own world, save for a certain inconsistency of law (law as in gravity, not law as in speed limits). They infect and infest arils within our own world, seeking to implant the seeds of chaos, so that our world's coherency can be broken apart. I have experienced this profound state of disconnection while wandering. To those used to our current state of interconnectedness, this isolation could be profoundly disturbing, perhaps even soul-crushing. However, it is important to realize that the various abilities and mental gifts that are classed as magic, are actually the product of these same chaotic realms. Our individual reactions to mundane agitators can produce remarkable insight and talent, but these alchemical reactions occur only rarely, only in the dark, outside the purview of peer review and analysis. Surveillance in these cases serves only to dissect the newborn before it has taken its first breath. Reproducible results are important, because they indicate a robust process, but important results are not always reproducible. There must be places of insecurity, in between the harsh sunlight of law, and the absolute darkness of chaos, where reality itself can breed new forms, think fresh thoughts, and find new life through those of us who live on the ontological bleeding edge.
This is important stuff. The architectural signaling that goes on in these scenarios may not be dreamt up from nowhere. I believe that the inspiration for these spaces actually exist in other planes. These realms of chaos are no less real than our own world, save for a certain inconsistency of law (law as in gravity, not law as in speed limits). They infect and infest arils within our own world, seeking to implant the seeds of chaos, so that our world's coherency can be broken apart. I have experienced this profound state of disconnection while wandering. To those used to our current state of interconnectedness, this isolation could be profoundly disturbing, perhaps even soul-crushing. However, it is important to realize that the various abilities and mental gifts that are classed as magic, are actually the product of these same chaotic realms. Our individual reactions to mundane agitators can produce remarkable insight and talent, but these alchemical reactions occur only rarely, only in the dark, outside the purview of peer review and analysis. Surveillance in these cases serves only to dissect the newborn before it has taken its first breath. Reproducible results are important, because they indicate a robust process, but important results are not always reproducible. There must be places of insecurity, in between the harsh sunlight of law, and the absolute darkness of chaos, where reality itself can breed new forms, think fresh thoughts, and find new life through those of us who live on the ontological bleeding edge.